Ever wanted to Quit Smoking successfully? We can help.

21 February 2018

We wanted to share with you all the success story we have had recently at Creswick Pharmacy with a customer who wanted to Quit Smoking. This customer had smoked for many years, and was worried that he would not be able to break the cycle.  But we offered weekly help (or more often if needed), Alana spoke with him each week when he came in and offered helpful tips and techniques to see him through; some of these included: 

  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) - as research shows that we are more than twice as likely to quit successfully if we use NRT than without it,
  • Encouragement to join Quit Victoria's online help service,
  • Looking at triggers that caused him to smoke e.g. after meals, with coffee, under stress,
  • Offered alternative things to do other than smoke at these times, and
  • Offered support and encouragement when the going got tough.

At Creswick Pharmacy we know that nicotine is as addictive as heroin, and that the addiction is very hard to break.  We also know that it may take a few times before you can successfully quit for good, but each time you try you learn something new that helps you win the next time.  We are here to help with your health goals and we are super excited that we have been able to help some customers, especially this gentleman who came back in to specifically thank Alana and the team for helping  him to finally kick the habit 10 weeks on.

Quitting may be hard, but as the advertisement says 'not quitting is harder'.

Come in and see us today if you would like some more information on quitting smoking, we can definately help.

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